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Where Does OurFood Come From?

Writer's picture: Wayne DruryWayne Drury

Where Does Our Food Come From?

Well, I do know that potatoes originated from Peru. They have more than 4,000 varieties - wonderful 􀁻flavours, colours and cooking opportunities. But, the rest of what we eat, I know that much comes from the other side of the border; Mexico, USA, China, and.......

About 10,000 years ago, domesticated agriculture began and in 1973 the fi􀁺rst GMO crop was grown. The debate continues about GMO, but it increasingly finds its way into production to try to feed the almost 8 billion people now on earth.

Where does our food come from? The supply is truly global with sugarcane,

maize, wheat, and rice making up approximately 50% of global crop


The Pandemic, war, famine, in􀁻flation, are all having a significant impact on

the production and distribution our food crops. A simple example, I went to

Costco to buy lettuce, a regular staple, but none has been available for 3


What is happening today?

It is not only the above that is having an impact, but what about government environmental policy? We have the federal government putting the pressure on farmers to reduce fertilizer use. They suggest that the farmers are not as efficient as they need to be and that by implementing new fertilizer management strategies, the use can be reduced and we can continue to feed the nation and the world.

I hope they are right, or we will be in big trouble. What a gamble to take and I ask, what is the truth and the consequence? The data gets all mixed up -

Did you know that rice farming is the greatest contributor to greenhouse gases? And, who is going after that? This jumping into the deep end of the pool without knowing how to swim, needs to stop. We need the truth and consequence.

Food Insecurity In Canada

We have almost 5 million people facing food insecurity in Canada, with approximately 1.4 million of those being children. What a sad situation. We have a government traveling around the world handing out money when at home we have this situation. Whey is it just talked about - with nothing done to feed our most valued, our people? Where is the truth and consequence.

You probably sense my frustrations; and it is true. I work with First Nation communities and see the negative impacts of food insecurity every day. Did you know that a food basket in the north is about 246% more costly than for the same in Vancouver? It is not only supply, it is cost. Who can afford that?

What did we try to do?

Giving the government credit, they came up with a great program to assist First Nations with the development of food systems. We put in four applications and all were turned down because the bureaucrats said, "they did not sufficiently address food insecurity." What is not addressing food insecurity when:

A vertical food system is proposed for year-round operation to provide leafy greens and vegetables at an affordable cost, sustainably and profitable?

They proposal addressed the needs of the people, the planet and sustainability.

The People - it was to provide high quality foods at affordable prices.

The Planet - it removed 8 Semi-trailer truck trips per month - 80,000 kms

combined with a corresponding reduction in greenhouse gases.

Sustainability - the project had a positive ROI which would make it


Why was it not approved? I have no reason, but we do not give up. We will find a way to develop this project as an excellent example of local First Nations taking control of their destiny and working to do the world a world of good.

The end

The world population is increasing, all the while, governments seem to be

taking a direction that will see a reduction in food production. I have not

even begun to discuss competing land use, such as taking large areas for

solar and wind farms, and the 􀁻flooding of valleys for hydro-electric power.

These are all critical discussions that require truth and consequence and we

must have them. We cannot go blindly down a path to later 􀁺and find out that it

was the wrong path - the consequences will be just too disastrous.

If we are to believe the experts, we have 7 years to 2030. It is time to get on

with it right to do the world a world of good. At Sustainable Circular Economy, we are passionate about doing the world a world a good and evaluating options towards environmental sustainability against the backdrop of a circular economy where the considerations are what is best for the people, the planet and sustainability.

That includes doing what we can to raise the level of discussion to include truth and consequence. If you, your community or business wishes some help through this morass, to identifying reasonable solutions, we would love to help you.

We want to be part of the solution. Please consider joining our Newsletter – we will never give your information away or contact you, other than through our Newsletter.

Best wishes from all of us:



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