In the USA today, Americans voted to express their anger at immigration. They believe that immigrants are responsible for all their problems, job shortages, low wages, and safety concerns for their pets. However, the issue is real wages; the politicians found the perfect 30-second sound bite.
Politicians love to find the perfect 30-second sound bite. And they have found it in “immigration being the problem and massive deportation will solve all your problems.” The politicians have convinced America to believe, “Get rid of those scourges on our society and open things up for us.” “Why should they be able to waltz across the border and live better than us?” And with all this, eggs and gas prices will drop 50%.
The politicians make America angry, and then you want to strike out. They make you want to scream; they want you to hate and even feel justified in taking it to violence. This isn’t because immigrants are the problem; they have found the perfect 30-second sound bite.
We do not have to go too far back to see how effective this is.
One of Hitler’s famous slogans was, "Ein Volk, ein Reich, ein Führer," which translates to "One People, One Empire, One Leader." This phrase promoted the idea of unity under his leadership, creating a sense of nationalistic fervour and collective identity among the German people. It is an easy stretch to understand this collective identity did not include Jews in Germany and does not include immigrants in the USA.
Hitler also emphasized themes of victimization and revival, frequently stating that the German people had been wronged and needed to reclaim their strength and destiny. In the USA, Trump’s followers (and Trump himself) believe they are the victims. Trump is a victim of the legal system and his followers, victims of all that ails them because of the immigrants.
Hitler’s slogans and techniques were fundamental to his propaganda strategy and success, and Donald Trump has also perfected them.
Taking a step back and looking at the bigger picture is important. The idea that 11 million illegal immigrants in a country of 330 million people – 3% - are the cause of America’s problems is a gross oversimplification. This article will explore why immigration is not the real problem and discuss significant factors affecting your life and the economy.
So, if immigration isn’t the root of America’s problems, what is? The growing gap between the rich and the rest is a significant issue affecting Americans today. Wealth inequality has risen significantly over the past few decades, meaning that a few people hold enormous wealth while 70% of America struggles to make ends meet.
70% of the wealth in the United States is owned by just 10% of the people. This is an alarming statistic that highlights how wealth is concentrated in the hands of a few. What does this mean for the average person?:
Fewer Opportunities: As wealth becomes concentrated among a small group, fewer resources are available for the rest of the population. This affects access to quality education, healthcare, and good job opportunities.
Lower Wages: When rich individuals and corporations hold so much wealth, they can influence policies favouring their interests. This leads to stagnating wages for the rest of America, making it harder for families to thrive. In terms of real wages, we are living at a level of 1978 with 2025 prices. And what happens? The rich get richer, and the poor get poorer.
And what did America vote for? To support a greater concentration of power and wealth. The Trumps, Musk, Zuckerberg and a few others have all the wealth, and America voted to give them more power and wealth.
Since November 5th, Elon Musk’s net worth has climbed to about $200 billion. The rich get richer, and the American workforce loses out on any chance to capture a wage increase of $1,186 per year that this represents.
To be clear, if the $200 billion went to the US workforce, each person could see an increase in their annual wage of $1,186, but Musk got it. The rich got richer, and the lower and middle classes got poorer. That is just Musk. Add Beso and Zuckerberg to that and think about the impact.
Living costs have increased while wages have not kept pace. The rich have become richer. The USA’s lower and middle classes now live at a real wage level equal to 1978 and face today's costs.
Since 1970, annual wages have increased 542%, from $9,870 to approximately $53,500 today. Compare this to the cost of eggs, which was $0.60 per dozen in 1970 and $4.15 today. That is a 692% increase.
Add to that the cost of housing rental, which has increased by 1,400%, and if you ever thought of buying a house, the cost has increased by 1,500%
The real issue? 90% of Americans are losing out because real wages have not kept up with the cost of living. The rich have become richer. The politicians have found their 30-second sound bite. Immigrants are the problem. They are eating your cats and dogs. All to deflect us away from the real issue.
And what happens? The politicians, with their 30-second sound bite, have America focused on Immigrants as the problem. The Blame Game has created the perfect divide. But. Immigrants are not the problem; the problem is real wages.
When times are tough, people often look for someone to blame, and immigrants have become the target, which has happened for several reasons:
Fear and Uncertainty: People feel anxious about their futures during economic hardship. It is easier to point fingers at different people than confront the more complex issues. Those more complex issues suit the rich just fine, and America voted for it to continue. So much for voting for America’s interests.
Misinformation: Misinformation about immigrants taking jobs or benefiting from government programs is widely spread through news and social media. These claims lack solid evidence. Why do Trump and his cronies lie so much? People who are desperate grab onto these lies as they see them supporting how they feel, and it gives them someone or something to blame.
Political Rhetoric: Politicians use immigration as a scapegoat to gain support, and Trump is an expert at this. By blaming immigrants for societal problems, they distract from the real issues at hand, the impact of real wages and the concentration of 70% of the wealth in 10% of the hands.
What can be done to address the issues facing Americans today? Here are some ideas that can help create a more equitable society:
Learn: Learn what America has gotten into by voting to hand over more power into fewer hands. Watch how the rich get richer and the middle and lower classes get poorer.
Understand Tax Policies: Government tax policies are a significant way to consolidate economic wealth. Trump has said he will lessen taxes – but for who, and who will pay? Yup, the middle and lower classes. Just watch. Trump will not make tax changes to take money out of his pocket.
Minimum Wage: This includes raising the minimum wage, improving job training programs, and investing in infrastructure projects that create good-paying jobs. Will this happen under Trump?
Support for Unions: Encouraging the growth of labour unions can help workers secure better wages and working conditions. Stronger unions foster a fairer playing field that benefits all workers. We have seen Musk and Beso attack unions. Is there any chance of this?
Affordable Healthcare: Addressing healthcare costs is crucial for families. Ensuring access to affordable healthcare options allows individuals to live without fearing financial ruin due to medical expenses. Under Trump, do Americans think healthcare will be expanded?
Honest Conversations: How can America develop solutions in the present social and political situation? It is easy to say that America needs to have open and honest discussions, but the rich are doing all they can to prevent this. Trump’s thousands of lies are a big part of accomplishing this, and now we have lost the corporate media. They are drinking Trump’s orange juice, having abandoned the lower and middle classes, they are hoping, for improved profits.
The problem is not immigrants. It is the concentration of wealth at the top and the loss of real purchasing power by the 90% of those not incredibly rich. A wish would be to move past the narrative that immigrants are the cause and focus on the real issues: real wages have not kept up. But, in today’s caustic political environment, that is only a wish. In the meantime, there will be continued pain, which will probably worsen as the rich get richer.
But that is what America voted for.
Best wishes ...